Protection Insurance

There are various different types of protection insurance and trying to decide whether you actually need it and what type of cover is appropriate can be a little daunting. When dealing with Fresh Financial Consultants Ltd, we will assess your individual needs and help you to understand the different types of insurance available. We will advise you whether you could benefit from having such a policy in place.

Accident, Sickness or Unemployment (ASU)

This type of insurance offers financial protection if you are unable to work due to accident, sickness or unemployment. Typically, these are short term policies lasting for one to two years.

This Payment Protection Insurance is optional. There are other providers of Payment Protection Insurance and other products designed to protect you against loss of income. For impartial information about insurance, please visit the website at

The typical cost is £6 per £100 of monthly benefit. This is based on someone aged 35 and with a 30 days waiting period.

Life Insurance

There are two types – term assurance and whole of life. Both offer protection in the event of your death. One until a specified age and one for the whole of your life. When we recommend a policy, we will also advise you whether it is beneficial for the policy to be held in Trust.

Relevant Life Plan (RLP)

This is a plan that is paid into by an employer to provide ‘death in service’ benefits for their employees. It is designed to pay out a lump sum if the employee dies. When we recommend a policy, we will also advise you whether it is beneficial for the policy to be held in Trust.

Key Person Insurance

Quite simply, this is an insurance policy that covers the life of a key person (someone crucial without whom a business would not survive) within a business. It is paid for by the business and the business is the beneficiary.

Critical Illness (CIC)

This type of insurance is designed to pay out a lump sum if you are diagnosed with a critical illness (from a specified list within your chosen policy). When we recommend a policy, we will also advise you whether it is beneficial for the policy to be held in Trust.

Income Protection

This type of policy can offer a monthly or yearly payment if you are unable to work due to sickness or accident. These policies are usually long term offering protection until retirement, death, your return to work or until the policy expires.


Please note for these insurance products terms and conditions apply. This information is a summary only. You will receive a full policy document upon application. This policy will set out the terms, conditions and limitations of cover provided under the plan.

Trusts are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


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